Monday, July 27, 2015

Your Belief In World Peace

 Do you believe that World Peace is possible?

Notice I use the word "believe"...  If you don't believe that world peace is possible, it may be because you were raised Christian and one of your strongly held beliefs is that the bible teaches that we will not have peace on earth until the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.

For many Christians of whom I'm familiar, this is a VERY strongly held belief.

So for the moment, if you are Christian, just consider for a moment that if "YOU" had been born into a Muslim family, or a Hindu family would you still have this very strongly held belief?

Now I'm really stretching because I'm not familiar enough with Hinduism  or Islam to know if they believe in the possibility of world peace.

My point is that if you are clinging to the argument that your religion tells you that world peace is not possible because of this or that or something has to happen first or whatever, then the only thing in your way is a strongly held belief.

I'm not discounting your strongly held belief.  Many millions of human beings have died and every single day many more die because they believe so strongly!

Consider this:  We are willing to fight, kill and die for our strongly held beliefs and most of these beliefs are NOT even our own!  We believe in what we believe because of where and when we were born.

Stop right now just for a few seconds and contemplate this!

I remember the day that figured this out.  I was about 45 years old, I had been through 2 marriages, and I was pretty sick of how things in my life were going.  I began to walk myself through my life looking at what I had done and why I had done things and who I thought that I was.  On that day, I came to the conclusion that I never really looked at what I believed and why I believed it.  I had been taught a good many things that I identified with but I really didn't question much of what I believed.

All of a sudden my perspective of the world and myself changed!

Everyone says that they want world peace. Really, if you ask anyone the question: “Would you like to see world peace?,” they will all give you the same answer. The answer is always “yes” and it is usually accompanied by the sad resolve that they do not believe it is possible. Here is something to contemplate with regard to why it is essential to imagine world peace if you really want to have it:

We are spinning through space on this little blue ball a million times smaller than the closest star that gives us life. We are one of billions of people on Earth. Our Earth is just one planet in a solar system which is one of billions of solar systems in our Milkyway Galaxy each with stars and planets of their own.

And our Milkyway Galaxy is just one of billions of galaxies throughout the universe. We are literally one of billions and billions and billions. This realization may make you feel pretty small! Yet, the only thing that makes us small is that we can be small minded. Each of our brains has as many neural connections as there are stars in our galaxy. Yet we cannot seem to imagine the possibility for a world that is peaceful and cooperative. Mankind lived in caves until we imagined into reality that we could
build homes and eventually, magnificent structures. Even today we look at the ancient pyramids and cities with awe and wonder. We imagined roads and great cities with shining buildings that touch the sky and now they are common place. We imagined ourselves traveling to and landing on the moon when we could barely build the computers and technology necessary to support our vision. There is a reliable and proven system of imagining what we want into reality.

We imagine ourselves becoming doctors, scientists, teachers, builders, even great leaders and we become them. We imagine having a new car, a refrigerator, attaining the ability to fly and our reality accommodates what we imagined. Yet, we still do not understand that to have a world that lives in peace, all we have to do is imagine it into reality. Imagine a world that does not have a monetary system. A world that plays an entirely different game.

A world that has the single common goal of ensuring that humanity will thrive! Imagine a world where there is no such thing as poverty. Imagine a world where we build things to last so that we don't spend most of our lives repeating the process of creating the same things over and over because they are designed to not last. Imagine a world where we teach our children to manage the resources of the Earth instead of consuming them.

Imagine a world without hunger, a world without war, a world without greed. Of all the great achievements of man the single greatest (World Peace) will be real when we imagine it to be so.

If all we ever imagine for ourselves is a world that is corrupt and evil then that is the world we will have. If we imagine that we live to work and consume then that is what we are stuck with. We have to imagine that world peace is possible before we can have it. The amazing thing about imagining something is that as soon as you do, all sorts of ideas will pop up supporting the what you imagined. The possibility that you create will begin to fill with real substance and whatever you imagined takes on a life of its own. I listen to the rhetoric of the politicians who over and over propose that they can lead our countries and that they have a solution to the most pressing issues. I can’t help but utter “bull-crap” in my mind every time one of these big winded blowhards gets up to the podium. They are all spewing out the same tired old ideas that they have said for a long time. None of them is really thinking outside the box.

Okay, so its time for a little reality check... Do you think for one minute that as advanced as our world has become, if our so called "world leaders" wanted world peace that we couldn't have it for some reason?  If they sought world peace, we would have it!  More importantly, if WE sought world peace WE would ALL have it!

Wow, kinda sad to arrive at this realization isn't it.

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